Free City (College) Campaign
for a milestone victory in the national call for free college and providing support to San Francisco families to be able to access higher education and strengthen a critical community institution.

This August, City College of San Francisco began to offer free classes to San Francisco residents. In 2016, the Free City Campaign, led by a coalition of teachers, students, labor, community organizations, and elected officials, passed Prop W, making CCSF the first free community college education since the 1980s. This 5-year struggle and milestone victory, combined with the recent success in preventing CCSF’s closure due to accreditation attacks, demonstrates the strength and significance of city college as an institution for working families.
三藩市市立大學在本年八月開始,為三藩市居民提供免費課程。在2016年,免費市立大學運動由教師、學生、勞工、社區機構、及民選官員共同組成的聯盟帶領通過W提案,使三藩市市立大學( CCSF )成為自1980年代以來,首間提供免費社區大學教育的學院。 這5年的鬥爭和里程碑式的勝利,加上最近成功地防止CCSF由於認證攻擊而關閉,這表明了市立大學作為工薪家庭學院的力量和重要。