Stories from Our Leaders 領袖故事分享

Rui Yi Li (Ah Yi) joined CPA in 2015. Originally from Toishan, China and lives in a Chinatown SRO. She got involved with CPA as a volunteer and became an SRO Organizer in 2016, where she conducts outreach and education to SRO residents. She has a 2-year old and 12-year old and is a staunch advocate for Chinatown residents.
李瑞儀 (阿儀)於2015年加入華人進步會。阿儀來自中國台山,現居於華埠一間散房。她由做義工開始接觸進步會,於2016年成為散房組織員,與散房住客做外展和宣傳教育。她是兩位分別兩歲和十二歲小孩的母親,亦是一位堅定不移的華埠居民倡議者。
Alice Kuang is a first generation Chinese American social justice activist, community leader, artist, fashionista, and geek. She is a second-year student at UC Davis and joined as a leader at the Chinese Progressive Association with Youth Movement of Justice Organizing (Youth MOJO) and involved in advocating for social justice in her community.
Alice Kuang 是位第一代華僑,社會正義積極分子,社區領袖,藝術家,時裝愛好者和書蟲。她正在UC Davis讀大二,曾經是進步會青年組的領袖,積極參與與之社區相關的社會正義倡議工作。
lauren liu is the child of Chinese immigrant womxn from Taishan, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong. She was an Eva Lowe Fellow at CPA and in the first class of the Seeding Change Fellowship in 2014. Since then, she has continued working there in a variety of ways, including staffing the fellowship program, planning community events, and supporting the youth.
lauren liu 是位來自台山、廣州,和香港之移民女性的女兒。她曾經是進步會的陳蔡綺華獎學金實習生,亦是2014年第一屆播種計劃的畢業生。自此,她以不同的方式繼續參與進步會的工作,包括播種計劃,策劃社區活動及支持青年組的少年。