Celebrating 45

Celebrating 45

A Letter from our Executive Director, Alex Tom

On Saturday, October 7, 2017, the Chinese Progressive Association will celebrate our 45th anniversary with the theme, “Harnessing the Strength of a Thousand Rivers 海納百川聚力量 眾志成城達理想.”

45 years ago, CPA was founded by Chinatown elders, youth, students and activists inspired to change the world. We are proud of the last four and a half decades fighting to defend and protect our community, win policies that uplift the quality of life people, and confront economic exploitation. CPA members, volunteers, and staff have developed the leadership of thousands of people to build power to transform our society.

From the very beginning, CPA and our leaders have fought an uphill battle; today, the challenges are greater than ever. CPA is building a movement of movements that link immigrants, youth, seniors, women, workers, tenants, queer and gender non-conforming people to change the conditions that our communities live in and to chart the path to a society where each of us can be our full and whole selves.

We have nurtured intergenerational and grassroots leadership and built multi-racial, cross-issue, and regional alliances with incredible organizations towards the goal of building a better world where our communities can thrive with our full humanity. We have faith that we will win. We must harness the strength of our communities, of everyday people, to strategize, organize, and build power.

We hope you will be able to be to join us on October 7th to celebrate not only CPA but each other as well.


In Appreciation, Solidarity & Community,

Alex T. Tom
Executive Director